our school

  • identity traits

    We are a Catholic Educational Center for the 2nd Cycle of Early Childhood and Primary Education integrated into Burjassot society, immersed in the daily socio-cultural reality of our people.

  • History

    The history of Colegio San Miguel Arcángel begins with the creation of two Unitary Schools, one for boys and one for girls authorized by the OM of October 20, 1949, integrated into the Archiepiscopal Board of Primary Education of Valencia, whose approval appeared in the BOE of November 22 of the same year.

  • Mission, vision and values


  • multilingual design

    The center makes a commitment to multilingualism from its PLC (Language Center Project) and from its offer of complementary activities.

  • coexistence plan

    In general, they are all those in which all the students of the center participate, and they are organized by the work commissions coordinated and evaluated by cycles.

  • Complementary activities

    In general, they are all those in which all the students of the center participate, and they are organized by the work commissions coordinated and evaluated by cycles.

Internal Regime Regulation of SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL Parish Schools

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